A court decision was made in favor of the Ukrainian company

On May 20, 2020, KORGAN law firm won a debt and penalty case, where it represented the interests of a Ukrainian company. Despite the current difficulties in the form of a pandemic, our lawyers did a very high-quality work and, regardless of the situation, the interests of clients were fully protected. The essence of the dispute was that, according to the supply agreement, the Kazakh company received money from the Ukrainian company as an advance payment for the supply of goods, but did not fulfill its obligations to supply the goods, in connection with which the Ukrainian company was forced to go to court with a claim for the return of the money. amounts.

According to the Decision of the Specialized Interdistrict Economic Court of Pavlodar Region, Alma Ata Limited Liability Partnership in favor of Skvirsky Plant of Grain Products LLC (Ukraine) recovered a sum of money, a penalty, reimbursement of expenses for paying for the services of a representative in court: 19,865 US dollars of debt, 1 $390 fine, $638 state fee reimbursement, $1,000 representative fee reimbursement.

Another case proved that in any situation the lawyers of Law Firm KORGAN will defend the interests and finances of their clients.

Our company has partners in Ukraine, namely in the city of Kyiv, and therefore we are pleased to inform our clients that, if necessary, our company is ready to provide legal assistance in Ukraine.