Master class for residents of the KIT Business Association in Astana

The director of the law firm Eshmuratov Saken Asainovich held a master class for the residents of the KIT Business Association in Astana.

A master class on the topic: “How to protect a business during inspections by government agencies” was held by the director of the KORGAN Law Company – Eshmuratov Saken Asainovich. The master class discussed the main points that small businesses need to pay attention to and not become a victim of errors in the first stages of verification.

Before you let a representative of government agencies to your facility, make sure that they have with them:

  • notification of the review 30 days before the start of the review;
  • Act on the appointment of an inspection, registered with the UKPSiSU;
  • certificate of an official;
  • and other documents depending on the small business object.

We hope that the moratorium on inspections of small businesses will be extended for 2023.

We thank the Association @kitastana for providing a platform for speaking and once again helping small businesses in their difficult task.