Defense in court: why do you need to represent your interests in a lawsuit?

Litigation can shake the nervous system of even the most stress-resistant people. Few people can boast not only an iron character, but also the ability to successfully represent their interests in court without having certain knowledge in jurisprudence. Most often, emotions take over from unprepared people, and the protection of their interests in court becomes inferior and of poor quality.

For a successful court decision, professional assistance is needed – it is worth concluding an agreement (order) for representation in court. Moreover, the more experienced the representative is, the more effectively the line of defense will be built in court. It does not have to be a lone lawyer at all; a whole team of specialists can represent the interests of their client in litigation.

When legal representation is made

The voluntary choice of a representative for defense in court can be made for a number of reasons. Most often, this procedure is resorted to so that the arguments provided within the framework of a court hearing are set out clearly, reasoned, on time and supported by the necessary evidence. In addition, sometimes some citizens, for various reasons, cannot or do not want to personally participate in court proceedings. So, here are the most common grounds for delegating protection in court to a third party:

  • insufficient competence in matters of jurisprudence;
  • inability to participate in court hearings due to absence from the country;
  • reluctance to appear in court for moral reasons;
  • incapacity of the customer (plaintiff/defendant) due to age or health condition.

It should be noted that representation in court has broader boundaries than lawyer services. Full protection of the client’s interests in court includes not only preparation for the upcoming trial, support and protection of the client during the trial and case management, as well as work with the results of the trial.

After issuing a power of attorney to conduct the affairs of the customer and represent his interests in court proceedings, the judicial representative or team (if a law firm works on the case) can legally perform a whole list of executive duties for the principal (client):

  • participate in legal proceedings;
  • to draw up a claim (when representing the interests of the plaintiff) or a reasoned response (when speaking on the side of the defendant);
  • collect the necessary documents and appoint examinations;
  • generate and submit petitions;
  • communicate with witnesses;
  • declare a partial or complete waiver of the stated claims (when their size is changed, including the waiver of the claim or its recognition);
  • receive a decision at the end of the court hearing;
  • appeal and challenge the judge’s conclusions in higher instances in the event of a verdict that does not satisfy the interests of the customer.