Legal services and accounting support


KORGAN law firm has been gradually developing since its establishment in 2014. The firm’s team includes senior lawyers, lawyers and junior associates. Senior lawyers have been working at the firm since its creation and make up the main “backbone” of the firm. We are proud that our employees remain with us because the issue of privacy in such an area as legal advice is very important and preserving confidential information of clients is crucial for us. Trust is the most valuable thing that a client can entrust to us. In our activities, we use Kaizen strategy – a long-term strategy aimed at achieving the goals and objectives set, I would like to note that TOYOTA Corporation is the benchmark for the use of kaizen. Adhering to the strategy of continuous development, our firm ensures professional development of firm’s lawyers through regular advanced training courses and various seminars at which employees improve their level of professional knowledge and skills in law.



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How to extend the powers of a director of an LLP in Kazakhstan after a five-year term?

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 51 of the Law of the Republic…

Сбор и обработка персональных данных

Collection and processing of personal data

Is it necessary to tick the box on websites about consent to the collection…

Новые правила выдачи разрешений трудовым иммигрантам

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From 2025, new Rules for issuing permits to labor immigrants will be introduced. The…

Заявительный порядок государственной регистрации юрлиц вместо уведомительного

Declaration procedure for state registration of legal entities instead of notification

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