Legal support of business

As part of the monthly legal service of the organization, we provide the following types of services:

  • composing letters, complaints to government agencies, organizations of various forms of ownership;
  • drawing up claims, responses to claims;
  • representation in civil courts, as well as drafting statements of claim, responses to statements of claim, petitions;
  • drafting contracts, negotiating contracts;
  • advising on business activities of the enterprise;
  • consulting on labor law issues;
  • legal audit of documents at the enterprise;
  • preparation of constituent documents for re-registration of a legal entity.

Price list for legal services for business support

Type of service Package 1 Package 2 Package 3 Package “At minimum” In case of exceeding the established volume per month, the following rates apply:
100,000 tenge/month 250,000 tenge/month 350,000 tenge/month 85,000 tenge/month
Contractual work (drafting projects, legal examination of contracts)
* if the contract is in English, then each contract is paid an additional 25,000 tenge
No more than 2 (two) contracts per month No more than 5 (five) contracts per month No more than 10 (ten) contracts per month No more than 3 (three) contracts per month 30,000 tenge for 1 contract
Oral consultations on labor issues No more than 3 (three) per month No more than 5 (five) per month No more than 5 (five) per month not limited 5,000 tenge for 1 consultation
Drafting letters, complaints to government bodies, in organizations of various forms of ownership No more than 2 (two) per month No more than 5 (five) per month No more than 5 (five) per month 30,000 tenge for 1 document
Study of the Customer’s counterparties:

  • solvency
  • good faith
  • registration data compliance
No more than 3 (three) per month No more than 10 (ten) per month No more than 10 (ten) per month 5,000 tenge for each verified counterparty
Drafting Claims and responses to Claims No more than 1 (one) per month No more than 4 (four) per month No more than 4 (four) per month 30,000 tenge for 1 document
Representation of interests in court from 200,000 tenge for each presentation (case) in court

Please note that you are not hiring one lawyer, but a qualified Law Firm with extensive experience and legal practice of all company employees.

Our company will carry out the work professionally and in the shortest possible time, which will allow you to save time and in the future your business will operate safely.