Registration of licenses and permits
In Kazakhstan, it is allowed to engage in any type of entrepreneurial activity, except for the one for which a special permit is required – a license.
- Licensing activities in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction;
- Licensing activities in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products, production of tobacco products;
- Licensing activities in the field of export and import of goods;
- Licensing activities in the field of transport;
- Licensing activities in the field of education;
- Licensing activities in the field of mass media;
- Licensing activities in the health sector;
- Licensing activities in the field of servicing individuals and legal entities;
- Licensing activities in the financial sector and activities related to the concentration of financial resources.
Licenses issued by the law firm KORGAN
- License for the storage and wholesale of alcoholic products, with the exception of the storage and wholesale of alcoholic products in the territory of its production for the Kazakh company Rudovine LLP with the participation of the founders of the company from the Russian Federation;
- License for construction and installation works of category III for the Kazakhstani company Karenergomontazh LLP.
- License for construction and installation works of the III category for the Kazakh company LLP “Megalit”;
- License for construction and installation works of category III for the Kazakhstani company LLP “Stigma Co”;
- License for project activities of the III category for the Kazakhstani company LLP “KIP KZ”;
- License for construction and installation works of the III category for the Kazakhstani company KIP KZ LLP.